
Hi, I’m Phil and I’m currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Univesity of Cambridge, where I work as part of the Conservation Evidence team in the Conservation Science Group.

I’m interested in lots of topics related to applied ecology and biodiversity conservation but my main interests are:

  1. How ecosystems are affected by human-induced disturbance
  2. How ecosystems recover following these disturbances
  3. How and when restoration by humans can help to aid ecosystem recovery


I’ve used fieldwork, and statistical and mechanical models to understand this complex topic. I’m particularly interested in how species traits mediate their response to disturbance and recovery. My current work involves accumulating evidence for the effectiveness of management and restoration interventions as part of the Conservation Evidence project.

My previous work has included:

  • How selective logging affects carbon storage and tree biodiversity.
  • How interacting threats affect forest structure and biodiversity.
  • How carbon storage and plant biodiversity recover following agricultural clearance.

I’m always interested in potential collaborations, so if you have an idea that you’d like to work on with me, get in touch!